Posts tagged with: School Story Action Post

When we surveyed staff in December using the Making Thinking Visible Strategy “What, So What, Now What?” an important share from staff was a need
At the beginning of the year, we collected data from staff in order to zoom in on a focus for the year. Now it is
col·lab·o·ra·tion- The action of working with someone to create or achieve something. One way we are supporting our goal of connecting students to their learning
Staff met with Gillian Lock, District Consultant, about using funds from our LES Innovation Grant to purchase furniture for learning spaces that allow students to
This school year, we noticed in our scanning about student connection that there was an increase of students who struggled with managing their feelings and
We have been so excited this year to invite families back into our school. Our school story inquiry question asks, “how do we ensure that
Building on our learning from last year, student voice has been at the center of our learning and school story. It was important for us
Since our Professional Learning Day on January 2022, we sought feedback from our staff, students, and families to decide on language that builds on our
During our assembly this week, we met with our K - 3 students to learn more about our inquiry question: What does the Green Zone
Starting next week, we will be having an Intermediate and Primary focus for our Assemblies. We will begin next week by meeting virtually with our
Our focus at DeBeck is on the Personal and Social Competency. We are working together to ensure that all members of the community feel welcome
When we surveyed our students last year, one of the questions asked was if they felt that there are staff at DeBeck who they could
Early this school year it became evident that because of COVID we needed to find another way to connect as a school. In September we
We ended our weekly assemblies with a focus on the First People’s Principles of Learning. We centred most of our learning on the first principle
DeBeck Values… During a Professional Learning Day, we came together as a staff to discuss what we value at DeBeck. The reason for this exercise
The Human Brain As a part of our School-Wide Zoom Assemblies there was a focus on the human brain and how the different parts of
This past year we have been focusing on providing children with more opportunities for children to play and learn in the outdoors. Some classes are
October 31 2018 Some new directions for DeBeck. We are in the process of working on two new different Innovation Grants at DeBeck. The first