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Action 1: Collaboration

col·lab·o·ra·tion- The action of working with someone to create or achieve something.

One way we are supporting our goal of connecting students to their learning in the area of literacy and numeracy is through staff collaboration.

Faye Brownlie always says, “Collectively we know enough to teach everyone to read and write.”   We take her words to heart and want to ensure we have time to learn with and from each other.

Since January, our actions that support collaboration are:

  • Time together during professional development days focusing on Universal Design for Learning and providing entry points for all students through a variety of materials.
  • Dedicated time during our staff meetings to share what we have tried, what we noticed and what next.
  • Co-planning and co-teaching with resource teachers, classroom teachers, principals and vice principals.

What we have noticed is that staff have been taking ideas they have learned from different professional learning sessions and collaboration and trying them with their students.  There is good energy in the room when staff are sharing and these ideas lead to other strategies being shared and tried.  Trying new things can make us feel vulnerable. But when we tackle new things together, in a supportive environment, it feels more manageable.


Updated: Tuesday, February 6, 2024