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Our School Story

Our school's learning story demonstrates how our school community is working to improve learning and well-being for students. This ongoing commitment is driven by a continuous focus on enhancing student achievement and enriching students’ experiences at school. Our efforts are guided by district’s strategic plan and the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s Framework for Enhancing Student Learning policy. This is our collective learning journey, and reflects our shared commitment to growth, collaboration and continuous improvement in support of student success.

Our Focus


For the 2024-2025 school year, we will continue to focus on improving student learning with a focus on Math and Numeracy. Through our scanning, 66% of our staff self-identified that they would like to grow their ability and understanding of teaching to diversity in the math classroom.  

Through our staff scanning, our staff has identified that math computation is a strength for our learners, but applying this knowledge to numeracy tasks is a stretch.  We are going to focus our efforts on building our students growth mindset in math and helping them make the connection between their math knowledge and real life situations (numeracy tasks).

How will a focus on math routines, growth mindset, and numeracy tasks improve confidence and competence in math?

Our Evidence

Here, we present the data and observations that shape our understanding of student learning and well-being. Through assessments, classroom observations, and staff reflections, we gather meaningful insights that help us track progress, and ensure that our approaches are making a difference for students.

Our Actions

This section highlights the concrete steps we take to support our school’s learning goals. From instructional strategies to school-wide initiatives, we document the ways we put our focus into practice. By fostering a collaborative approach, we ensure that our actions lead to meaningful improvements in student success and well-being.

EASE Training for Staff

Posted: Jun 25 2023

Starting a Breakfast Club

Posted: Jan 30 2023

Our Connection Crew

Posted: Jan 30 2023

Kindness Connects Us

Posted: Jul 5 2022