Learn/Take Action: Professional Learning with a Numeracy Focus
Our Focus: We are focusing on improving student learning with a focus on Math and Numeracy. We are going to focus our efforts on building our students growth mindset in math and helping them make the connection between their math knowledge and real-life situations (numeracy tasks).
"We need to work together to create spaces in which every day, in every setting, productive and engaging learning conversations take place as collectively we figure out better ways to help young children learn." (pg. 75) Spirals of Inquiry for Quality and Equity- Halbert and Kaser
At the beginning of this school year, through a staff survey, 66% of staff identified a desire to deepen their understanding of math instruction and supporting diversity. With that in mind, we committed to a school wide focus on Mathematics and Numeracy.
To support this commitment, our whole school including our Educational Assistants, engaged in a Math and Numeracy session during our September Professional Development Day. Led by our District Math and Numeracy Teacher Consultant, Janice Nowakowski, we spent the morning thinking about designing learning opportunities that supports diversity. We learned about instructional routines and using math materials to allow entry points for all students as they deepen their own understanding of foundational math.
We spent our afternoon, using what we learned in the morning along with SD38 Numeracy Foundation resources to consolidate our learning and take what we learned and apply it to our individual contexts.
“We need to work together to create spaces in which every day, in every setting, productive and engaging learning conversations take place as collectively we figure out better ways to helping young people learn.” (Pg. 75)
Spirals of Inquiry for Quality and Equity- Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser