Our School Story
Howard DeBeck Elementary is a Kindergarten to Grade 7 school located in central Richmond on the territory of the First Peoples of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language group. The school catchment is from Francis Road on the south to Granville Avenue on the north, and Heather Street on the west to No. 4 Road on the east. For the 2023-2024 school year, our enrolment is 381 students.
DeBeck school is a tight-knit diverse community built on the values of kindness and belonging. It is this diversity that helps provide a rich learning experience through an understanding of each other's stories. Together as a community, we provide a caring, welcoming, and supportive learning environment.
For the 2024-2025 school year, we will continue to focus on improving student learning with a focus on Math and Numeracy. Through our scanning, 66% of our staff self-identified that they would like to grow their ability and understanding of teaching to diversity in the math classroom. Through our staff scanning, our staff has identified that math computation is a strength for our learners, but applying this knowledge to numeracy tasks is a stretch. We are going to focus our efforts on building our students growth mindset in math and helping them make the connection between their math knowledge and real life situations (numeracy tasks).
How will a focus on math routines, growth mindset, and numeracy tasks improve confidence and competence in math?
For the past several years we have been focussing on finding ways to create a sense of belonging for all staff and students. Our work with connection kindness and belonging is never done. It will be an important part of the fibre of DeBeck. But for the 2023-2024 school year, we are going to begin to zoom in on how we can support students in feeling connected to their learning. What might happen if we focussed on a curricular area and ensured there were entry points for all students to share their understanding? How would this focus on connection to curriculum impact students' social emotional well being?